Islamic Education : Beg Forgiveness of God
Posted on Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012
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And from Anas bin Malik radhiallohu 'anhu, he said: Rosululloh shalallohu, alaihi wa sallam said: "Allah SWT said:' O son adam, actually if you pray and hope in Me, surely I will forgive you and I do not will pay attention to anymore. O son of Adam, were your sins, meet all the sky, then you beg for forgiveness to me, surely I will forgive you. O son of Adam, if you come to me with all my fault the earth, then you do not see me in a state of shirk with anything I will surely come to you with full remission of the earth as well. (Tirmidhi, he said: "This hadeeth is hasan") Wallohu knows best, may sholawat devoted to the prophet Muhammad.
From Anas radhiallohu 'anhu, he said: I heard Allaah Rosululloh ¬' alaihi wa sallam said: [Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says, 'O son of Adam, in fact if you pray and hope in Me, surely I will forgive you and I will not pay attention to anymore] The term ["Son of Adam"] in these words is a Muslim who follows the Prophet who was sent to her treatise. But those who follow the minutes of the prophet Moses' alaihi salam in his day, then he is among those who are summoned by this call. People who follow the prophet Isa treatise 'alaihi salam in his day, he also includes people who are summoned by this call. As for after the coming of Muhammad peace and blessings 'alaihi wa sallam, the people who get a reply and virtues as mentioned in this hadith are those who follow Al Musthofa (Prophet Muhammad) peace and blessings' alaihi wa sallam, that he believed that the treatise was the closing minutes of the carry prophet, and prophetic treatise acknowledges that he was carrying and followed the instructions he Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam.
Jalla Allah wa 'ala says in the hadeeth: [O Children of Adam! If you pray and hope in Me, surely I will forgive you and I will not pay attention to anymore] This sentence has a similar meaning to the word of Allah jalla wa' ala:
قل ياعبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم لاتقنطوا من رحمة الله إن الله يغفر الذنوب جميعا إنه هو الغفور الرحيم
"Say: 'O My servants who exceeded the limits of their own, do not despair of Allah's mercy. Verily, Allah forgives all sins. Verily He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful "(Surah Az Zumar: 53)
If a slave to sin and to repent, pray to Allah jalla wa 'ala to forgive and He expects His forgiveness, then Allah will forgive his sins as long as he repented because of "Repentance is the sins of the previous".
Then Allah jalla wa 'ala says in the hadeeth: "true if you pray and hope to Me". This sentence explains that prayer is accompanied by expectations will cause Allah to grant mercy. There are some people who prayed to his Lord, the hope is weak and not to the Lord when Rosululloh berhusnuzhon Allaah 'alaihi wa sallam has said: "Allah SWT says:' I'm in accordance with the presupposition servant then let me have prejudiced the me as he wills ". If a servant prayed to ask forgiveness for his sins then he should pray to Allah for mercy on the belief that Allah had mercy is very great, and he hoped that Allah will forgive his sins. People who do this, surely Allah will forgive his sins.
So if someone has had a tremendous sense of hope in Allah and believe that Allah will forgive him surely he will get what he was looking for. That is because the amount of taste and prejudice of good hope in Allah. Many worship the heart (worship qolbiyyah) that must be done by an offender while begged forgiveness of sins and repent. Many acts of worship that must be done so that the liver acts as the gift of forgiveness of sin and the glory of Allah jalla wa 'ala.
Then Allah SWT says: "I will certainly forgive you". Forgiveness (المغفرة) has a meaning close the scars of sin in the world and the hereafter. Forgiveness is not the same by accepting repentance, for forgiveness has a meaning close (ستر). Forgive anything (غفر الشيء) has a close meaning something (ستره). Close sins have jalla meaning that Allah wa 'ala will cover the effects of sin in the world and the hereafter. the effects of sin in the world is a reward for the sins of the world, whereas the effects of sin in the afterlife is a reward for those sins in the afterlife. Whoever Allah for mercy on jalla wa 'ala he will be forgiven by Allah. Any person who asked Allah that He covered the impact of sin in the world and the hereafter then Allah will cover it. Allah will cover the impact of his sins by not providing a return for the sins of the world and the hereafter.
Then Allah SWT says: [O son of Adam, were your sins, meet all the sky]. Sin meets the sky (high clouds) because there are many and reams.
Then Allah SWT says: [and then you beg for forgiveness from me, surely I will forgive you]. This act is an act of a servant who repent and loves Robbnya with deep affection. Because Allah, the Almighty, Who has a name and a noble nature, beautiful and perfect, which controls the whole kingdom, he who controls and protects all things, which have a variety of names and a great and noble nature-would love slave to love like this. So no doubt, this will make Robbnya loving heart, felt humiliated in front of him and putting his blessings rather than His blessings besides.
Allah SWT says: [O son of Adam, were your sins, meet all the sky and then you beg for forgiveness to me, surely I will mengamptnimu]. In this sentence there is always the urge to beg forgiveness. If you do pronounce forgiveness of sins then surely we seek forgiveness, though not enough to do as much as 70 times in a day as mentioned in a hadith. By saying sorry forgiveness and then Allah will forgive all sins.